Bienvenue to idiomatic! Where to begin?
idiomatic is about learning to live in France. Find observations on this unique time and place, chance encounters, and unexpected adventures.
This newsletter is called idiomatic because, at first, I thought it was clever. Idiomatic means “to use expressions that are natural to a native speaker,” and because I was writing about moving to France, it seemed fitting. The first eight issues are something like a mini-series, charting the journey that led me to sell or giveaway all my possessions and move abroad.
If you’re new here, it’s a great place to start:
I started idiomatic because, after years of freelance writing, I felt drained of my own thoughts. As so many great authors have said before (Joan Didion, Flannery O’Connor, William Faulkner, etc…) I write to know what I think. After eight issues, I realize now that “idiomatic” has another meaning. It’s not just about learning to speak French fluently; it’s about writing, thinking, and living in a manner that is natural—or idiomatic—to myself.
So, what does that mean for you, dear reader?
idiomatic is a growing collection of non-fiction about learning to live in France. You’ll find observations on this unique time and place, from the perspective of a Coloradan abroad. There will be chance encounters, unexpected adventures, and lessons learned the hard way.
It’s unlikely you will receive more than two issues per month as I have a job and am also writing a book. All of which is to say, I won’t blow up your inbox! Want to come along?
Bonjour Margaret,
J’espère ne pas être trop direct en vous écrivant, mais je voulais vous partager Les Immersives, une newsletter gratuite qui fait découvrir la culture francophone tout en apprenant le français. Anecdotes, films, chansons… un vrai voyage linguistique !
Que vous soyez enseignant(e) à la recherche d’inspiration pour vos cours ou apprenant souhaitant découvrir le français de manière vivante et engageante, Les Immersives est faite pour vous !
Si cela vous intrigue, vous pouvez la recevoir ici :
Et si vous pensez qu’elle pourrait intéresser d’autres, n’hésitez pas à partager.
Merci et belle journée !